Looking to sponsor Sanger Youth Sports? Contact US (sangerfootball@gmail.com)
Register for Sanger Spring Baseball here
North Texas Youth Football League Standings by Division (Grade)
Because everyone deserves a chance to Play Baseball. There is something about playing the game that lights up a person’s eyes. But for children and adults facing serious physical and mental disabilities that opportunity can often be difficult to achieve. The Miracle League of Sanger removes the barriers that keep children with mental and physical disabilities off the baseball field and lets them experience the joy of America’s favorite pastime. But it’s more than playing a game. The Miracle League is about making new friends, building self-esteem and being treated just like other athletes. To help the athletes, the Miracle League uses a “buddy” system – pairing each player with an able-bodied peer. The result is a bond that cannot be described. The Miracle League serves children and adults who suffer from any physical or mental disabilities, which causes them to be excluded, whether intentionally or not, from conventional Baseball leagues. Our players may not be able to run the bases or hit the ball as well as some of their peers, but they have an equal amount of love and determination to play baseball. We want to help them achieve that dream. We truly believe that everyone is capable of playing baseball in their own SPECIAL way.
SYS is a non profit organization that oversees Youth Football, Youth Track, and Youth Baseball in the Sanger, Texas area.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of Sanger Youth Sports?